Re: [hw-rules] comparing ratings in roderick´s view

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 10:22:19 -0700

>If any ability says, how good you are at something and thus "Run Fast"
>how good you are at running and that in consequence has some kind of
>"realworldspeed"BUT we don�t care about, in the game(for instance because
>would gaming too complicate,which i think is a good argument)-then still a
>cheetah with a rating of "RunFast12" must be quite lame ,right?!

Yes, if it has a mere 12. Maybe it's only a cub, or 3/4 starved, or has a sore leg. It will still (probably) win contests against a human with no "Run" ability (or synonyms), but anyone who has worked on his running will (usually) beat it.

But remember, through Mastery cancelling everything is reduced down so that at least one of the contestants has a simple number between 1-20. As I mentioned in one of my messages yesterday, the race where everyone has a "14" could in fact be a race where everyone has 14 + the same number of masteries.

HQ is not about absolute values, but about relative ones. We (the authors) didn't try to equate an Ability rating to a real-world yardstick, but to "how much better is X than Y". This is inherent in the mechanics - Mastery Cancelling and a simple d20 roll means that we're looking at values relative to each other, not to values in relation to a set MPH/KPH, PSI, Joules, Degrees, etc. Yes, you can try to apply RW values to HW ARs, but remember the effects of the log-y progression inherent in Masteries. Is it worth it to do so? Well, to you it might be. To me it is not.

>So any "respectable"cheetah should have a much higher rating(if we assume
>that they CAN run 114kmh in our gameworld),right?!

A healthy cheetah should have a high Ability Rating in "Sprint" (or some similar ability), yes. How high? Take the fastest thing the Heroes have. Should the Cheetah be able to out run it? Make its ability rating higher than the thing. No? Then the ability should be lower than that, but is it faster than the second-fastest thing? Continue until you find a good number.

If you want something to win 95% of the time, give it a full mastery advantage. If you want it to win most of the time, give it +10. Some of the time, +5. Even odds, make it the same rating +/-1. However, this doesn't reflect the fact that your players will try to get as much advantage from augments and hero points as they can!

>Also i wonder how being Large can be called an ability of: how good i�m, at
>being large.....Does that mean Large is an ability how good you can use
>large in opposition to BEING large.Ability versus capability?

As someone mentioned in a reply to your message, after a while you should probably *have* to get physically bigger to put HP in "Large". The breakpoint where this happens is really up to the narrator and player - it might be a the 1w barrier, or 10w, or 1w2, or whatever. w3/w4 are getting into the "it's so good its magical" area.


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