Re: Spending HP on affinities

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 17:50:11 -0700

Benedict replied to me

> > most combat affinities can let you harm
> > people at a distance.
> However, only
> devotees get those advantages. For initiates there is, as Reinierd
> suggests, no apparent benefits worth the triple cost.

Until I see rules that say otherwise, I go by the published Hero Wars rules which allow initiates to use feats with an improv penalty. (If this is not the case, then there's no point in playing the game as an initiate. And yes, I have played as an initiate. I found it a huge pain to always deduct the improv penalty. Which, since the rules don't state otherwise, is -3.)

I know that the intent is to change. But I also know that the way we've been playing works OK -- and I think it's a lot more fun to be able to use feats. So until I see a complete new system, I'd go with the current rules. Which let initiates improve their magical capabilities by increasing affinities.


David Dunham   <mailto:dunham_at_...>
Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <>
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