Re: Re: House Rule: Divine Strike

From: Andrew Dawson <asmpd_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 13:45:29 -0400

I use the mixture I described, but I don't claim that it's the one true way. However, the heroes often recognize their encounters as being against the Entity, not against another worshipper. For example, an Orlanthi in my group considers himself to have faced a Star Captain (not Polaris himself) in one HQ, but he's sure that he met the Second Son in his initiation HQ. A Yinkini in my group considers herself to have met Heler in her Tol devotion HQ, but considers herself to have encountered one of Telmor's grandpups in another HQ (I wasn't going to throw Telmor itself at her, given her power level). I just come up with a description/name and a power level that challenges the hero appropriately. I could theorize that heroes draw a level of supernatural interest (power level) proportional to their power levels. When I feel specifying more of the true nature of the opposition, I do (Telmor's grandpup, Star Captain).

I think these examples fit your list of exceptions, but I don't make them exceptions. I guess I should say at this point that YGMV.


At 05:15 PM 8/27/2002 +0000, charlescorrigan wrote:
> > The way I understand encounters in
> > the Otherworld, the hero thinks that
> > they're facing the Otherworld Entity
> > (deity, whatever), but it could be a
> > worshipper of the Entity, a lesser
> > version (servant, whatever) or the
> > Entity, or the Entity itself.
>My opinion is that, in the otherworlds, a questor always meets a
>worshipper of the entity rather than the entity itself(*1,2,3,4).
>That worshipper is usually from the same time and from nearby but it
>could be a worshipper from a different age or from across the lozenge
>(or both). This seems to be one of the higher rules that binds
>Glorantha across belief systems.
>The two interacting questors might both "win" - the mere fact of them
>interacting in this high powered ritualised setting generates more
>output than the sum of the inputs.
>(*1) Unless they have crossed the 10w6 (or is it 10w9?) barrier to
>the innermost sanctum.
>(*2) Or descendant or otherwise closely involved/related.
>(*3) Perhaps there are many low-level entities that are "just" part
>of the otherworld geography with no known worshippers or
>descendants. But I think that even these are empowered by the
>regular rituals and ceremonies that just happen without the player
>character involvement.
>(*4) The counter-example is that there are many daimones/otherworld
>entities that are bound to the inner world and players can interact
>with these. Perhaps the worship or propitiation rituals empower
>these entities to appear to act as independants.

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