Re: Re: HP rationale

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 19:42:37 +0100

On Fri, 30 Aug 2002 14:23:54 EDT, con1453_at_... wrote:

><< As I've always said, I don't referee to please other people, I do it
>to please ME. If I'm not enjoying it, I'll let them know.

>Ahh, then you are the pure narrativist that everyone is holding up for a
>model, not like those nasty simulationists?

Not in the slightest (well, the slightest, but not much more...), I tend towards detail & realism, which some brand simulationist.

Actually, I can't even see where you draw that implication from...

What I DO want is a game that runs without pedantic rules-lawyering, tedious skill-testing ("What if I use THIS? Well, how about THIS? What would THIS do?" etc), constant off-topic breaks, etc.

If players don't LIKE HW, or the way I referee it, they should tell me... I certainly made my opinion of the atrocity called Cyberpunk clear, I hope...


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