Re: Animism Rules

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 22:00:04 -0000

> A skill spirit gives both an ability (or augment) and APs; this is
> > better than a feat which gives no APs.
> Again, I thought it was EITHER
> a) grant an new ability
> OR
> b) augment an existing ability and add AP
> I'm sure this was debated in the dim & distant past on this list.

True you only get the AP if you have the ability, otherwise it is the target number (and the AP), but still you don't get this kind of bump when augmenting with a feat. I guess it depends on how to creative you let players get with feat names.

> I thought this only applies when the Fetch's abilities matched the
> action? Obviously this is true of any follower, but as we have no
> examples of a Fetch and it's abilities (or even how many it has),

Which would be my point, a free follower in the keyword. True, the detail on what the fetches abilites are is a little limited, but lets face it for Hero Wars a Kolating van get by with Wind Spirit Might 5W (or whatever your highest ability is)

> If I have to wait until next May, I may as well either retire her
or make up my own rules for Serdrodosa...

True, we could make it up on this list though, seems like a fine use of assembled intellect ;-)

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