Re: Re: Another animist question

From: Andrew Dawson <asmpd_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 12:38:34 -0400

I like your house rule, but I would add the following:
  1. One HP must be spent to cement any fetish except non-permanent (i.e., consumed during normal use) one-use fetishes
  2. Each additional HP spent--at this time, not later--reduces X by 10
  3. (not sure about this one) One additional HP must be spent to cement "unlimited use follower"

Addition 1 follows the cementing requirement, but exempts temporary fetishes. Addition 2 closely follows the actual HP required to win such contests so far in my games. I would consider dropping the X costs by 10 (0, 0, 10, 30) if using these HP costs.
Addition 3 follows the additional HP cost for integrating spirits (I know that this will be different in the new rules, but I don't know how)

I would also (admittedly nitpicky) amend this line:

spirit might = (ability used to bind spirit) - X


At 03:42 PM 10/16/2002 +0100, Graham Robinson wrote:
>I currently use, as a house rule :
>spirit might = (better of Bargain with spirit and Spirit combat) - X
>where X is
>0 for a one use spirit
>10 for a once a day spirit
>20 for a thrice a day spirit
>40 for an unlimited use spirit (follower)*
>* - another house rule, complete victory over a spirit gains it as a
>follower who is always around. (Much the same as integration, but a bit
>nicer terminology-wise)

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