Re: Heroic Actions [Rant, OT]

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...> <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:26:05 -0000

This will sound unhelpful butitis meant sincerely. The lack of spell descriptions is one of those design features of Hero Wars that needs the 'Road to Damascus' moment. The more used you are to being told by a game 'this means x' the harder it is to adapt to 'decide in your group what x means'. But when you do shift gears and adapt there is this amazing feeling of freedom, this revelation that YOU can make up Glorantha for your game, decide for your group the myths that were behind the sunset leap. Once you do it for feats, you begin to realize you can do it anywhere. You make up your own heroquests, add new details, take ownership of Glorantha. In all sincerity: the magic system in Hero Wars freed me from fear of strict adherence to canon, made me appreciate that Greg just made it up too and liberated me to play Glorantha. It felt like taking off a straight jacket.

That is why newbies to role-playing really do seem to find it easier than veterans. Some folks may never get that moment of epiphany, but for those of us that have it feels like that scene in Star Wars with the blast helmet and the remote. We want to tell you to trust your instincts, use the force luke, but don't quite know how to without making you think we are being elitist, unhelpful or condescending.

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