Re: Maximum improv penalty

From: Julian Lord <jlord_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 12:29:04 +0100

Benedict, David, Simon :  

> > > >However, -20 is not really a very large modifier.

> > Depends on your game!

Definitely !

> > Here, the default -3 is usually pretty
> > substantial, since many skills that are rolled for don't have
> > masteries.

> Perhaps I wouldn't go quite so far as benedict in saying that -20
> isn't a very large modifier. It is certainly a large modifier and a
> significant obstacle to be overcome, but it can often be overcome with
> a little creativity by moderately experienced characters. In fact even
> a starting character with 5W and a -20 penalty can often augment
> enough to have a reasonable chance against the 'standard' opposing
> force of 14.

I agree :

Personally, modifiers vary between -1 / -5 / -10 / -15 / -20 , where -1 means who cares ?, -5 is standard, and -20 maximum (it means you can't do it without the magical oomph of a Dubya)

Julian Lord

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