Re: Space Hero Wars

From: jamesjhawkins <James.Hawkins_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 14:23:34 -0000

In other words use the affinity/feat mechanic to model generic skills and sub-skills. Yes, that's what I'd do.

I'd also say you have an ability rating for the skill, and one for each of the sub-skills. The skill rating would be used as a bonus to any of its sub-skills, but could not be used on its own. Improving the skill would cost more HP, like an affinity. I'd limit the number of sub-skills per skill (10 or 15 maybe).


The Force =18

- Confuse weak minds +3
- Sense death of millions +1
- Telekinesis 0

Gives me effective target numbers of Confuse weak minds =1w, Sense death of millions =19, Telekinesis =18.
I could spend 1HP to give me Confuse weak minds +4, effectively 2w. Or I could spend 1HP to give myself Guide Lightsabre 0, effectively =18.
Or I could spend, say, 3HP to give myself The Force =19, and effective target numbers of Confuse weak minds =2w, Sense death of millions =20, Telekinesis =19.

However, I wouldn't decide what the skills and sub-skills were before starting to play. Instead I'd leave that until a few sessions had been played, then do a re-structuring with the players.



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