Re: Re: +1 per 10 alternatives, etc.

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 23:35:35 -0600

On 4/1/2003 at 8:08 PM epweissengruber wrote:

>I wonder if there is such a thing as deeds "no self respecting
>villain would fail at"?

"Escape certain defeat"
"Activate sel-destruct mechanism"
"Gloat about surefire plan to conquer the world"

Guy "D5X" Hoyle

Always choose the option that'll most likely blow up in your own face. You never know when a tribe of werebears is going to want to skin you alive, for instance. Those are the Munchausenesque moments you can brag about over beer for years.

Of course, sometimes you get bitten by vampires infected with bubonic plague, but on the whole, you have a great time.

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