Re: Bumps and Shoves

From: reinierd <reinierd_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 18:52:36 -0000

Er, sorry Keith, don't understand. :)

Also, what's wrong with letting PCs use HPs as get out of jail cards? If they are doing something truly egregious, like I dunno wandering around town killing everyone then you can always solve the problem by throwing more enemies at them in the next session. If they are simply using HPs to save their skin against tougher opponents, well, isn't that "being heroic"?

On a related point, it seems to me that HPs spends are asymmetric; they do not always have the same effect. No doubt someone has already figured out the math of this, but it does seem clear that if the intent of HPs was to allow players to affect the outcome of a contest in any particular exchange (ie roll of the dice), it does not work. In some exchanges, HP spending makes no difference (and not just when you've already rolled a success), while in others it seems to make a disproportionate difference, eg changing an AP loss into a beneficial transfer.

Wouldn't it be simpler, more direct and more effective to allow HP's to bump up the the success level of the exchange? (ie from complete defeat to minor defeat)

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