Re: Re: House Rule for extended contests

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2003 21:45:17 -0500

>From: "bankuei" <bankuei_at_...>
>It'd be interesting for us to compare notes about the differences
>in play results...

Haven't gotten to play yet, just through chargen. But I'll let Josh know about the ideas and see what he thinks. That said, he'll probably prefer your method, as he's more on your wavelength for style. I, OTOH, don't have a group that I'm currently GMing. But I'll keep you appraised of whatever success or failure we have. :-)

>Looking at the rules, it looks like I'm not actually tinkering the
>rules very much, since there's already postive bonuses added
>for creative or surprise tactics(Surprise from behind gives a
>whopping +20!).

And, again, I think that lowering resistance is a cool way to go as well, for much of what you're talking about. Don't forget that idea. But what I'm "against" is giving the bonus just for creative shifting about in skill use. I want the "primary" ability to still be the most sensible use for much of the contest. What I fear with your system is that players will go with nothing but wild manwuvers in other skills. If you allow it with the primary skill, then you change nothing in terms of incentivizing the use of other skills. This would be the effect of just saying that this is an interperetation of the Surprise rule. So, to get drama and spread out use, you abandon a sense of "appropriateness" to get you effect. That's what I want to avoid.

>Second, while I'm aware that the Sorcerer rule doesn't apply to
>anything and everything, in this case, HQ and Sorcerer share the
>concept that success or failure is a function of the ratio between
>competeing scores. While it may not map 1 to 1, it certainly has
>many similar applications.

Similarities of a sort, but very different sorts of results in this case, IMO.
>Finally, I'm well aware that Narrativism does not equal "cool
>descriptions", this rule isn't designed with Narrativism in mind,
>but rather encouraging more interesting contests.

I was under the impression that it was about players employing a wider range of skills. Which I think is more interesting as it happens. But I don't want to overemphasize Surprise maneuvers in order to get it. Interesting is one thing, but what I fear you'll get is bizzare reaches from the players. Who knows. :-)


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