More on Liturgists

From: Neil Smith <neil_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 21:56:22 +0100

On Wednesday 17 Sep 2003 4:24 am, markmohrfield wrote:
> During a regular weekly worship service, does a liturgist invoke the
> common blessings from all his scriptures, or just one of them?

And, as a few follow-on question, what ability does a liturgist use to provide the augments? There's a contest between the Use [Scripture] ability and a resistance of 14 to invoke the blessing, but on what ability is the auto-augment effect based on, i.e. the congregation members get to add one-tenth of what? I would think it's Use [Scripture] again, but I don't think it's specified.

Another question: HQ p. 153 talks about the Chain of Veneration. Can anyone point me towards somewhere where it talks about superiors _receiving_ some of the magical energy of the hoi-polloi? How much do they get, and what can they do with it? My idea would be for the liturgist/orderly/bishop/whatever to get a permanent "community support" bonus.



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