Re: Concentrated Magic Use

From: Brian <brian_at_...>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 00:14:50 -0000

Just what would be common magic feats then? The Flesh Man magic is listed as being talents, not feats. Where exactly would they be getting/learning these common magic feats from? That's the odd part I found about the paragraph on page 118. It talks about and references 'Common Magic Feats'. But I don't see where (for example) a Heortling would get these. The only source I can see for feats would be when you become a devotee and get them in/under your affinities. I guess that's the key thing that is confusing me and makes me wonder what they are referencing. If this paragraph had not been there I'd never have questioned it. Of course maybe an initiate can keep those feats and still concentrate as they are not as tied to their god as a devotee is....


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