Re: Argument Overridden

From: Stephen McGinness <stephenmcg_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 08:26:54 -0000

> And to (try to) come to the crux of the matter: what if the goal
> Now, last time I tried this line of argument I got the classic
> "accepting the consequence of a reductio ad absurdum" debate
> maneuver, that the contest _still_ doesn't change. But let's see
see if
> I have more luck this time.

In my mind it is still the same contest. I thnk the whole construct of the
rules falls if you can sidestep them simply by declaring that you want to
change either the actions or the goals within the contest. By changing
actions you bring different skills and abilities into play during the contest and by changing goals you change the consequences of the contest if
you are victorious. Obviously if you lose then its your opponent that
dictates the conseuences of the contest.

As far as I see it, once you enter a contest then you have to finish it and
determine the consequences of that contest before entering a second one.

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