Re: Bumps

From: DaveCamo_at_...
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 16:32:53 +0000


>Round one.
>Billy bids 10 and rolls a 4 (success ), Icky gets a 15 (success).
>Before the bump is added Billy had a marginal success (Icky woule lose 5
>APs). When the Mastery is added he has actually gone from minor success to a

More accurately, Billy has gone from a marginal success to a minor success with the added benefit of a critical. Something to keep in mind is that the two results are separate. The degree of success has nothing to do with wether or not AP are transferred. If Billy did not have a mastery over Icky and rolled a critical while Icky rolled a success, the results would have been the same.

Your point, though, about this making masteries powerful is accurate. However, they're supposed to be!

>Icky then bids 7 and rolls 2 (success), Billy gets an 8 (success).
>Before the bump is added Icky has a marginal success (Billy would lose 4
>APs). When the Mastery is added Billy goes from a minor defeat to a

More accurately, Billy went from a marginal defeat to a minor victory with the added benefit of a critical.

>A bit harsh on little Icky don't you think?

No. Icky shouldn't have gotten himself into a fight with someone so much better than him!

>So the bump in effect
>has taken Billy from a fail to a Critical, not a fail to a success which I'm
>sure is the main idea of the bump.

The intent of the bump is to affect the roll, not the result. The result is determined only after the rolls are finalized. It seems that your main issue is not so much the change of result but the fact that the roll can be changed to a critical. During design and playtest discussions, the increased chance of a critical was definitely considered with regards to bumps.

>My first thoughts are to re-examine bumps where both sides succeed:
>So minor defeat to a minor victory and a minor victory to a victory. The >rest all works the same so a Fumble to a Fail, Fail to Success (with a look at >who role the lowest to see who wins) and a Success to a Critical.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting here. The roll result (fumble, fail, succeed, critical) is different than the degree of success/failure (marginal, minor, major, complete). Are you suggesting that criticals caused by bumps not translate to a transfer of AP?

>These seems fairer, and means that Masteries (and hero points) do swing it in
>favour of the side with the Mastery but does not make it so certain that side
>with the mastery will walk away from the contest with most of the APs of the
>opponent. Which means that in the case of the Heros going through the
>henchmen to get to the main villian the Heros will not gain so many APs that
>they nuke the major NPC!
>Does this seem more fair on little Icky?

Assuming that you are suggesting what I'm assuming above, I think it seems less fair to big Billy. Here he is a full mastery better than his opponent but he'll get a transfer no more often than Icky.


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