do we have a moderator in the house? (was Re: Digest Number 1375)

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 12:24:38 -0000

> Who are the moderators for this list now? I don't remember Steve
> Lieb, the original list owner, posting here in years...

Sadly the membership list isn't visible to ordinary members on this Group, or we'd be able to look up who the Moderators are.

The list-owner email address is

The settings indicate that new members posts will be moderated, but that membership is open. So our friend could have joined freely, but since then either has been set to Unmoderated status by a Moderator, or had *that* post approved by a Moderator (which seems unlikely).

The profile has only existed since 19-sep-2003, so any moderator activity has occured since then. So, I think we have live moderators, somewhere. Maybe not monitoring the list 24/7, but alive.

If they're having difficulty figuring out how to handle this, I'd suggest dropping in to which is set up to help with just this sort of issue. But I suspect that in fact, they're just suffering from an attack of Real Life :(

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