Re: Sedenya feats

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 14:52:44 +1300

Jesse Dean:

>Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be enough myths out there (on
>the web) for me to make up feats for the particular aspects that they
>are interested in, and I am not aware of any other sources for this
>particular material.

Most of the information is in the Entekosiad which is rather cryptic and obscure. Briefly the aspects of Sedenya are:

Verithurusa is a sky goddess that's famous for disobeying Yelm and dipping below the horizon. Her feats are associated with Light in Dark Places, disturbing behaviour (from corruption with darkness and so forth).

Lesilla is the Women's Goddess of Yuthuppa and Darsen. As such, her feats are associated with Motherhood and Harvests.

Gerra is a goddess of suffering. She doesn't do anything much but sit and suffer.

Rashorana is a goddess of stark raving mad insight (illumination).

Orogeria is easiest as she is well known as a Hunting Goddess so basically copy hunting feats from Odayla and other hunting deities.

Zaytenera is an obscure Rinliddi cult related to Dayzatar. Think white-robed monks mediating at the Sky and you should have a fair idea of what they do.

--Peter Metcalfe

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