Re: Paragraph issue

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 11:53:14 -0800

> One of my players put "Has a band of loyal warriors at his call." in
> his 100 word paragraph.
> How would YOU handle dealing with this?

That he has a source of followers who (mostly) all have the "Warrior" keyword. *BUT* for an NPC to be considered a "Follower" (with all the benefits as described in HQ) it really needs to be specified on the character sheet - he doesn't have 20 warriors as followers unless he lists them individually. They don't all follow him on cattle raids, or dungeon crawls, or bar-brawls, or embassies, or seduction attempts (or whatever). So if he wants Followers, he needs to add them to the paragraph - otherwise they are Supporting Characters.

Now, if you're going to get into battles and such, then he has the makings of a warband, but otherwise it's like "Leader of the Humakt Temple", or "Boss of Work Gang" as an ability - it's more of a relationship than a bunch of followers.

I might let him have a pair of Bodyguard Followers for 'free" - but they are just generic warriors from the group (they probably rotate the duty through the troop): Warrior 17's, with a "Relationship to Bodyguards 17" (assuming he's a warrior or other battle-type that could have "Warriors" as followers - a Healer would only get a Relationship 13 with them unless she puts points into it).

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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