Re: Re: Questions (re archery)

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 07:31:19 +0000 (GMT)

Can't help on archery specifically (I have trouble with it myself), but...

> My response is "you DONT get lots of transfers in
> your game?" HQ
> combat at the mechanical level is ALL about
> transfers.

That's certainly the impression I've got. If I'm wrong as well, could someone please explain?

Incidentally this does match my own experience of reality: win three fights in a row and you're on such a confidence high that you get a major advantage in the next one.

> As for opponents being weaker, no they dont have to
> be, but a
> trollkin is a trollkin... are you suggesting I beef
> up my trollkin
> progressively as my players develop? That doesnt
> sound right.

What can work is grouping them into bigger units. So an individual trollkin is the same level as it always was, but the "trollkin sling unit" may be considerably higher. No, I don't know how many trollkin are in the unit, and nor do your players. Somewhere between "lots" and "too many", with added "where did that one come from?"

> > Depicting Legolas would be very easy. He's
> probably about a 10W4 archer attacking 5W orcs.

> Yes he would be good at shooting 5w orcs, but he
> would get splattered against the 5w4 cave troll.

I suspect he was using his Agile 10w4 there, at least as an augment. And don't forget the various other characters acting as augments at that point. Quite possibly the troll's Huge is an augment for Legolas as well (you don't climb up anything tiny, do you? Nice big target...)

Jane Williams                                   

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