Re: Gaining Hero Points

From: bankuei <Bankuei_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 08:12:01 -0000

Hi guys,

Like Mike, I also run my games like a giant soap opera. There's usually several subconflicts going on all at once, so they don't usually "tie up" into discreet adventures in any sense. My sessions are 2-4 hours long, about every 2 weeks.

My award criteria are as follows:

-3-5 at the beginning of each session(usually 1-3 will be used by the end of the
-Another 1-5 depending primarily on the roleplaying, less on "success". I also
consider what and WHY folks spent HPs during play to also be an interesting indicator about what matters, and will often replace those spent HP if they seemed in the lines of good roleplaying.

While this comes out to about 4-8 per sesson(minus 1 to 3 in play), it works fine for me. I don't want to play a single campaign for years and years. A few months is fine by me.


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