RE: Below 0AP in extended contest

From: Stephen McGinness <stephenmcg_at_...>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 08:43:09 +0100

> The rules for Parting Shot are on page 69, for Final Action (was anyone
> watching these guys?) on page 74. Remember that a hero (or villain) can
> attempt a final action to get back into the battle (or to sneak away, or
> Press The Button, or whatever) if they aren't being watched.
> If you want to kill (or cripple, or whatever) the downed guy, then *by the
> rules* you have to use the Parting shot rule (that requires you to do it
> asap), or wait until the entire battle is over.

Yup - these are what I found in the rules - so I wasn't missing anything.

I guess the killing thing isn't a problem with hate etc as the foes in question were chaos foes and the only good chaos foe is a dead one!! :-)

I suppose that if the goal of the contest is to kill the foe then driving them to 0AP could take the death into the defeat in the general contest.

> You might allow players to do Parting Shots in the middle of
> combat after a couple of rounds have gone by; it's not in the rules, but
> the heck. But it's risky - not only do they have the ability to bring back
> defeated foe with bad rolling (I've seen it done!),

I think I'm inclined to allow it. While the mass melee is going on there are 0AP opponents sitting, lying and possibly wandering about. I'm not sure why it would be necessary to make the parting blow immediately.

> but I'd probably give the rest of the
> opponents a Relationship/Honor/Hate Dishonor augment when they see their
> buddies slain/crippled out of hand. Done in hot blood (immediately after
> knocking him down to 0) is one thing, but cold-bloodedly doing it later is
> another, to most people!

Cool - Possibly augment the others depending on the augments used by the killing character as well - if the killer gets +4 Hate Lunars then the other Lunars probably get +4 Revenge bonuses to attack that person...seems fair enough!


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