Re: Questions about Lunar concentration

From: bethexton_at_...
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 14:19:19 -0000

Well, I can think of at least four ways that this can still happen. - The departing wizard may have learned a unique spell, which the order prizes highly for whatever reason (it is in demand so they make a lot of money off of it, it lets them deal with/bypass/control some supernatural entity, etc).
- The order might have a Secret. Most don't, but that isn't to say that none do. If you have learned that, I don't think you lose it when leaving.
- I would think that having the physical copy of the grimmoire, and your understanding of it, might help in finding your own way directly to certain spell nodes, or in teaching is still hard, but at least you have some clue. So the order's hard won knowledge is to some extent now in circulation.
- There are all the mundane issues of broken relationships, secrets you know about people or plans, esoteric knowledge skills that the order has, etc.

Note also that ever since the god-learners, anyone who tries to learn the knowledge of various groups to see how it all goes together is suspect. Note that family and associates of god-learners were also destroyed. Now imagine the order had some knowledge that they knew was "risky" in the god-learner sense, and that they feared that the traitor would use that knowledge, now unfettered by order rules, combined with new learnings, to do god-learner-ish things... potentially bringing down supernatural punishment on him AND on his old associates..... for their own survival they'd feel a need to bring him down!

> What about where it mentions that other spells are sometimes
learned since it is hard to attune new spells to a grimoire?
> Where do they come from, and are those banned too?

To use another analogy, the grimmoire is like an internet page of links. When you learn the spell directly, you get your own bookmark. Nobody can stop you from using it, (unless they can take it away from you by stealing/destroying your talisman).


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