Re: Injury Level of Followers

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 18:44:42 +0100

On Tue, 23 May 2000 18:27:15 +0100, "Rob Finnegan" <> wrote:

> It says that the injury level of followers after a defeat in a contest that
>they have participated in is one level more than the Hero (page 140). I
>think that this could be a bit too arbitrary and does not take into account
>any individuality of followers, which I think should be encouraged to stop
>them being used just as fodder.

Agreed in full! Most of my initial 'Followers' are actually former RQ player characters, no longer used as such, but fondly remembered enough to keep in play. I don't consider them sword fodder, and have no intention of simply having them fed through the mill so easily. Especially as a few of them are non-combatants, like healers, they just wouldn't get so badly hurt. Now, admittedly my idea works better and easier for just a few Followers than a full warband, but I intend listing each with the AP they are providing (missing out the non-coms), as illustrated on p.139, and deciding BEFORE an exchange if each will take part (adjusting the Hero's total AP if any leave or enter the combat). I stress 'before' the exchange, as any AP loss must be taken in whole, both from the individual Follower, and from the Hero's AP total. Therefore, I can state specifically what any Follower's AP will be when they're put out of the action, my healers can start from that level when healing/lending AP, and still I can track total AP. A bit of extra paperwork, too much for a full warband, but no extra die rolling.

>To reflect this I would propose that 10 is subtracted from the final APs,
>the 10 reflecting one level of defeat more. A suitable ability is then used
>in simple test against this value. A minor or major victory would decrease
>that individual followers wound level by one and complete victory by two. A
>defeat would leave the same wound and complete defeat increase the wound by
>a further level.

This looks fine for bigger numbers of Followers, if a lot of dice!


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