RE: Re: Active Feats for initiates

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 10:27:54 +0100

> >>> the "Blow Out Fire" feat, which is from Daylanus Wind
> affinity, ..

> Presumably the Destor devotee could, via suitable
> heroquesting or mythic research (read: GM fiat), discover
> that Destor has 'Blow Out Fire' (or whichever feat the player
> is interested in) as a little known aspect of his wind affinity.

Since I believe Devotees can happily improvise new feats and then cement them, it sounds to me as if he could do this with no reference to the Daylanus sub-cult at all? This does of course require a bit more in-game work than "I spend a HP and get a feat from my mate the Daylanus devotee", but then that sort of thing is half the fun.

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