RE: Re: Small unit augmenting...

From: stephenmcg_at_...
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 09:38:02 +0100

> Strangely enough I am also running the cradle story and that was
> what prompted my query. I decided from the start to form the
> attackers into 6 man squads (a size the lunars use apparently, plus
> keeps to the 6vs1 rule). I there for cut out large squares to
> represent a group of men and gave them a pre-augmented score. The
> first wave of mercenaries were still no match for the players and
> they were driven back. I used a simple contest for each ladder

Yeah - simple contests for the ladders but I used the bird-bound spirits as an extended contest running at the same time - it gave the players the feeling that they were being attacked on all sides at once. I was using the conversion guidelines for the cradle scenario done for Hero Wars as a basis for my scenario

Ian has a definite mechanistic approach to the rules but they can be useful in getting some feel to the players. He suggested the following:

Knocking an Attacker into the river:

Complete/Major Victory – climber plummets.

Minor Victory – climber put at a further –10 disadvantage next round.

Marginal Victory – as Minor Victory, but -5.

Marginal Defeat – no effect.

Minor Defeat – climber without penalty next round.

Major/Complete Defeat – climber gains the deck.

> When the cradle was written (for RQ) allied spirits and bound
> spirits were a lot more common, so I would take references to such
> somewhat reservedly. My players are quite protective of their
> daimons and allied spirits, so I am assuming everyone is a little
> more circumspect.

I don't normally have such a slapdash attitude to spirits but because the players were doing so well I thought that the priests etc on the ground would send some form of air support due to overwhelming air superiority. As I said it added a complication to the heroes and like yours they tend to neglect their magic so were quite vulnerable to spirits bidding seven AP a round and inflicting hurts on them. If the spirits got in trouble they were loaned AP and removed from the fray.

> The other unit to bear in mind is the Guardian unit (elite squad of
> 6 men with guardian) who can be used for crunch situations...

I saved them until the end - the players, having cleared their own part of the defences had to turn and save another set of defenders from the elite squad. It made them feel superior despite the hurts they were all suffering...

> From a game play point of view, I want to be able to quickly build
> small units to fight my players, as the enemy realise the fight they
> are in. So as a test I will be using cardboard squares with skill
> and augment noted, and then just stack them together when they form
> a small unit. Easy to handle, visually suggestive and quick.

A grand idea that I think I will steal for the remaining sessions! :-)  


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