Re: Re: Terrify enemies with a shout!

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 17:17:59 -0700

Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...> wrote:

> Question, warrior attacks (10M) scholar, scholar defends with combat
> skill (17). When the scholar attacks he uses his bemuse with
> irrelevant facts(1M2)! Warrior defends with bloodthirsty 17. The
> scholar wins thus, the guy gives up trying to kill him. Would you
> allow that scenario in a game?

That seems reasonable to me. The AP totals are determined by the initial skill pairing, so the warrior still has a good advantage--they'll alternate between "Warrior attacks with facts" and "Scholar attacks with trivia", but the starting AP favors the warrior. But it seems reasonable that if you attack someone who's really, really good at *anything*, you're taking a risk. Someone who's got "haute couture 3W4" may not seem like much of a threat, but he's still a full-on hero, and you never know what he might come up with.

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