RE: Re: ...gameplay in general...

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 17:27:21 -0500

>From: "Stephen McGinness" <stephenmcg_at_...>

>One character found himself being trampled by a Lunar shieldwall and it
>required the combined effort of the rest of the heroes to retrieve his
>body. He was saved when the Pavis dwarves replaced his heart with a stone

Oh, and there's Stephen with the perfect example.

Now I want to play in his game. I want a stone heart!

It's the "yes, but" rule in effect.

"Do I live?"

"Yes, but the Dwarves manage to save you only by putting in a heart made of stone."

Sweeeeet. Note well: being injured, getting flaws, all of this sort of thing only makes a character more interesting when done right, not less. Failure should not mean an end to trouble, it should mean more trouble. Man how I want to have a character who has a permenant Limp 5W flaw that he got when he took down a Heortling Berzerk. No, not one from chargen, one earned during play.


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