RE: Re: Animism: multiple traditions?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:32:28 +0100

> > You know, that's another thought. You join the Lunar Army, travel
> > the world, meet interesting people, kill them... but how do you
> > carry out the cult duties of attending rituals and so on, for your
> > original religion? Do them yourself?
> I think that is, in part, why units are usually magically pretty
> homogeneous, and are often drawn from one region. The whole unit can
> worship together, and either as part of the unit or as an attachment
> there will be someone who can conduct services.

A very good point, and works for the sample units in BA etc.

But I gather that "Lunar" units are mixed, and these "Vexilla" certainly are.

> For theists it probably means a
> seperate priest for most standing units, except for those with many
> devotees (like some of the humakit bands) who could no doubt perform
> the ceremonies and sacrifices in a pinch.

And maybe they get time off once a year for their big holy day?

> For animists, I'm pretty
> sure that practioners can do their own ceremonies, they are just
> limited in the getting of spirits. So a unit is better off with
> periodic shaman contact to help them "re-load," but they can probably
> get along on their own for extended periods of time.

Makes sense to me. And presumably a shaman of any tradition would "do".

P136 "A practitioner who leads the rites himself (even if only on certain occasions) has an Intercessor for [Spirit Place] ability..."

So he can. He just probably isn't very good at it.

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