RE: You're in the army now

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 14:55:40 -0500

>From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...>

>My thoughts for my own PC would be a possible gradual slide, picking up
>local swamp spirits, local common magic, getting friendly with local
>spirit talkers, perhaps having the locals ask about how the Lunars took
>over Darjiin and being all sympathetic about how unpleasant it must have
>been... She might eventually slide away from any Lunar connections and
>slide towards local ones. Maybe. Or you might end up with a lot of
>Sartarites using Darjiini spirits. Or both. One of those long-term
>internal conflict things. Far less dramatic than trying to set up Destor

Not at all less dramatic. Drama is proportional to scale. If the story is about one person's path throught the minefield's of belief, then that's plenty dramatic.

In any case, I think you have the perfect idea here, let it all develop in play. See what turns out to be interesting to play out. Again, I do think that the whole "going native" phenomenon is really interesting.

Oh, and Rory, yeah, what you said, years and years. If I were running Jane's game, the Saga system would come out between each adventure to progress everyone in the long term towards whereever they're going. Their colony could get finished, grow, and eventually their grandchildren would tell their grandchildren about the heroes that founded the colony. Way cool.

You guys don't play by IRC or anything, do ya? I want in!


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