Re: Pol Joni

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:42:30 -0700 (PDT)

Nic, responding to me:

> > That seems rational, but how well would
> > Eiritha really work for beasts not
> > mythically descended from her?
> I doubt if she would have insurmountable
> difficulty with cattle, providing suitable
> heroquests were performed to prove that she
> could do so. Not much use for horses however.

Let me state my point less as a rhetorical question: I don't think Herd-Eiritha is would recognize cattle as anything but alien. How divine worship of Paps-Eiritha would work is something of a mystery to me.

> > <ptooey> They lost their magic as part of that
> > exile, so would have no problem accepting new
> > magic.
> That is one possible interpretation.
> Do spiritists have an equivalent of excommunication?

I don't know about spiritists generally, but the Praxians do. They cut the ancestral knot that ties you to your Founder and Protectress. That has the effect of removing you from the tradition.

> I don't have a problem with misapplied worship
> of Eiritha as the basic womans religion except
> when I have to deal with new recruits. How
> does this work for existing practitioners of
> Eiritha? My gut feeling is that their fetish
> spirits would not abandon them (the worship
> is explicitly stated as proper after all)
> but that they would gain no new spirits -
> gaining new affinities instead.

Three major problems:

  1. If the character was exiled, she lost her connection to the Protectress and to Eiritha. She lost all the ability to get a fetish spirit to return. Or, at the very least, it was hostile ever since. Exile is a hugely serious penalty for Praxians, because it usually means death _and_ the exiled member will not end up with Eiritha and Waha in the Wide Plaines where the Wondrous Dead reside. It is a major ceremony, not just "go away."
  2. Paps-Eiritha and Herd-Eiritha are very different things. Most women belong to Herd-Eiritha. Generally, only the women residing at the Paps itself belong to Paps-Eiritha. See CoP, if you have it, for a description of the heirarchy. Since these Pol Joni women now worship Paps-Eiritha, their prior magic does not translate directly. Women who become Respected Elders go through a major ceremony/heroquest to convert over to Paps-Eiritha.
  3. Worshipping Paps-Eiritha with sacrifice does not maintain the proper relationship with a spirit. It would be like trying to put a daimon in a fetish. I think it just does not work. Instead, Paps-Eiritha, worshipped theistically, grants feats. I'd suggest "Find Good Grazing," "Find Good Water," and the like, to help the Pol Joni survive in the margins of Prax. I would focus on the earth connections, rather than the beast connections.

> My only problem with this is the repeated
> reference to _proper_ worship of the spirits.
> So why would the spirits leave in a huff?

To my mind, the difference is between divine worship (by sacrifice) and ecstatic worship (dancing, drumming, drinking, dehydryation, herbs, etc.). Spirits respond to the latter because they are disembodied and are attracted to a potential host. When they arrive, you offer them a fetish to live in (unless you are unlucky and get possessed). A sacrifice is not a good home for a disembodied spirit.  That may be atrociously simplistic, but that's my view.

Rrrrrory, with whom others agreed:

> Going over to the PJs and riding horses *could be*
> a reason for the Praxian Tradition spirits to
> consider you as "enemy". (Not necessarily *is*,
> just *could be* - make your own decision on
> it...).

I'd assume a mix. The Pure Horse Tribe stuck around for quite a while, although they stayed in Prax and never went out nto the wastes. Presumably they found some spirits that were not entirely hostile. An interesting strand of Nic's Pol Joni story could be finding those less-hostile spirits and the few stray daimons.

> If you don't like Ganval, there might be a
> purely Pol Joni/Bastard Tribes Shamanaic
> practice we've never heard of...

Maybe it was re-founded (or whatever) by one of Derek's companions/four storms.

Chris Lemens                 

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