Re: What useful purpose do the concentrated magic rules serve?

From: bankuei <Bankuei_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 18:16:17 -0000

Hi Nick,

I'm with you on dropping the three worlds idea. For me personally, I can accept that there is three different types of magic, and even that certain religions(maybe even most) specialize or only practice one exclusively. The three "seperate worlds" idea really seems like a convention for the sake of creating niches where none need to exist.

It just feels like the holdover assumption in rpgs that you have to design niches and specializations for players, otherwise they might... might what? HQ doesn't need artificial niches to balance things. Even if you threw out keywords, the fact that any trait can be as useful as another, depending on your situation and creativity in play means that anything can be equal. And its already been shown that it makes sense to broaden abilities instead of simply focusing on a few.

As far as seething rage, I don't have it in regard to this, but that old comment by Greg that the people of Glorantha were actually much different in appearance "but the artists drew them how they envisioned them" and he chose not to input/change that- that got my goat.


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