RE: Re: Are 3 worlds and concentration a "new truth"?

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 21:31:40 +1300

Jane Williams:

> > Still, they are vastly different games and systems

>But in the SAME UNIVERSE.

It still undercuts your argument that because Theists had spirit magic in RQ3, they must have had spirit magic in glorantha as we know it. Given that a number of sources were highlighting a difference between animist magic and theistic magic _before_ RQ3 came out, I don't find the consistency argument very persuasive.

>We managed to go from RQ to HW by saying yes, it's all "magic from your
>cult", it comes under your affinities, yes, the tattoo that reminds you
>how to do that spell/feat is still on your arm. And so on.

Given that HW didn't have any magic apart from the big three and made it clear that spirit magic and theistic magic were incompatible, I don't see this golden age argument as having firm foundation.

>But now Concentration and "no you can't mix them" comes along, and
>instead of this happy fuzzy go-with-the-story thing that *works* we find
>we're having to be precise, and make distinctions. In Glorantha???
>Nit-picking rules instead of the story, in HeroQuest??

What precisely is your problem? Concentration is not a necessity and most gloranthans get along fine without it. If you want to mix magic, you can. It's like RQ3 initiates being able to learn sorcery at the cost of being ineligible for priesthood and the like.

--Peter Metcalfe

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