RE: Re: Saga system

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:58:16 -0000

> There is also the question of whether you need to work out
> how many skills of what size the PCs will need to have by the
> climax of the campaign.
> Mike said improvide the NPCs abilities. You said *uurgh*. I
> cant find the exact quote.

I think I said that I'd rather be able to use the published NPCs, resistances etc as described. Since they're there. My usual principle of not discarding anything until I'm *sure* it's broken.

> But even if you dont. Its the NPCs augments that matter. You
> can't possibly predict those.

Ah, excellent point!

But I wasn't thinking in terms of using the published NPCs as the opposition in contests, as such. Just that they are a yardstick for the general sort of level I'd like the PCs to be at. So yes, I do indeed need to look at making sure the PCs can, if they want, generate the same sort of augment levels. Whatever those are...

> So many aspects of the final numbers are down to
> improvisation and are chosen in order to be suitable for the
> players whose final numbers are outside your ability to guess
> in advance that the fact that you dont want to alter the main
> NPCs main ability off the ballpark everone expectes does not
> make much difference to Mikes underlying argument.

Especially since many of the augmenting abilities the NPCs would probably use aren't even documented! And personality/relationship traits can be triggered by things under *my* control....

And for all I know, the NPCs will be augmenting the PCs. Or vice versa.

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