RE: Inflation of combat values

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 17:03:13 -0400

At 8:52 PM +0100 4/22/05, Jane Williams wrote:
>What piece of equipment would you use to add a +3 to your "loyal to clan"?

The torc the Chief gave you for that deed you did a few years back The tattoos that mark you as an adult in the clan The spear you received as your share in that great raid on the Black Oaks The ring that your father, the old Clan Champion used to wear

>Or to your "brave"?

The ring that your father, the old Clan Champion used to wear The drawing your child made that reminds you if you don't get to the healer, your stead will suffer the ravages of disease The magical Bravery Rock

and so on...

The difference, I suppose, is that you can be brave without the Bravery Rock, but its hard to use Sword without a sword (although a broomstick or even a blade of grass could do in a pinch...).

Peter Larsen

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