Re: Re: Furalor's Affinities? Half-Hsunchen?

From: Santo Sengupta <Santo_at_...>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 00:39:24 -0400

CJ wrote:


Not mentioned in that Index are the Zin Letter's #1 (, a Finnish Gloranthan fanzine that has a section on Teshnos as well. There's a few pages from it in their sample PDF - worth a read certainly. Now that my campaign is starting up, I will probably acquire a copy for perusal.

Oh, and there's a few mentions of Teshnos in "Men of the Sea" and Vithelan/Teshnan mythology in the pre-finished work "Revealed Mythologies".

>The Digest and Lokarnos also have a few articles. Apologies for daft
>question, had no idea how easy it was to find indexes of this quality!

You'd be suprised how much neat stuff you can find simply googling for Gloranthan terms. :-)

>BTW I have just submitted a review of HeroQuest to

Neat, I'll give it a look.
"Aum Shanti Shanti Shantih."

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