Re: acid

From: gjobbins <nuanarpoq_at_...>
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2005 18:15:10 -0000

> If you're doing extended contests, this sounds like
> the sort of situation Edges were invented to handle.

right, but nowadays we don't use edges.

> It sounds like two contests. One to see if they hit.
> The next to see how much damage the acid does. But the
> second should get to use the results of the first as a
> modifier, somehow. "Deadly accurate, right in the eye"
> should potentially do more damage than "slight
> splash".
> Are there any rules we can borrow to simulate this?
> Carry-over, sort of thing? I think we want to vary the
> ability of the acid, don't we, rather than the ability
> of the target to resist it?

well, the problem is that both vary. different castes of ants use acid of different strength, and the ability to resist it will depend on the nature of the target. a plastic bucket, frex, would have a very high resistance. a large bird could resist with its size (many succesful would be needed to drive it off or kill it), but 'ant sized' targets would basically use their armour value - i.e. the ability rating of their chitin.

i've just been looking at the StarWarsQuest rules (in the HQ-rules files section) which gives a rule where those hit by high tech weaponry suffer one level of defeat greater than normal - so someone who suffers a marginal defeat when hit by a laser blast actually suffers the effects of a minor defeat.

has anyone tried this? does it work in the Star Wars context? would it work here?

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