RE: Releasing Spirits from Fetishes

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 21:08:23 -0000

> I ahve always found this a little confuisng. One assumes
> the Spirit
> must still have a relevant ability to add the AP? Why woudl
> one wish to
> do this when it can use its abilities actively, and the others as
> automatic augments? Can anyone explain or give mea simple example?

When a spirit is released from a fetish, it can add its entire ability to yours, not just as an augment.

Specific example, from a PC of mine and a recent release. She wanted to "Open spirit world". Her own ability at this is 17, that of her fetish is 10W.

So she could do the opening herself, with a +3 from the fetish: 20.

She could get it to do the job, and augment it herself: 12W.

Or she could release it. 7W2.

There were other augments involved as well, but guess which she went for?

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