Re: Sorcery 101: Scriptures, Formularies, Grimoires

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 08:06:35 -0800


>Other important differences:
> * Blessings and Curses can only be invoked by a Liturgist leading his
>congregation in a service of worship

but see the picture on p.160 -- said service can apparently be pretty spontaneous.


>Of course that begs the definition of 'liturgist' and 'his
>congregation'. I don't have the book in front of me know so this
>may be defined clearly. My basic question: is this essentially a
>relationship formed at the moment, or is it formally instated
>(perhaps through a ritual).

I think anyone who shows up for worship (assuming membership in the overall church) would be blessed, at least with the standard blessings.

>Does this mean that if multiple blessing were applicable to a given
>contest, only one can be used in any way? Ie, if 'bless fighting'
>and 'bless courage' were both applicable to a Close Combat fight,
>could only one be used?

Yes, by the "one augment per ability" rule that's been discussed lately.

I think this is actually unlikely to be an issue, as overlapping blessings tend to be special (one per service) and not common (all per service).

>Or could 'bless Fighting' be used to augment Combat and then 'bless
>courage' be used to augment Courage, which would then augment Close
>Combat? I'm guessing you mean the former (based on the whole
>discussion about 'Use [Grimoire]' that Jane is leading).

No, that's using the same ability twice in a contest.


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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