Re: Question re: Mixed Religions and Secrets

From: roadsgoeveron <daveolloyd_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 13:49:11 -0000


Well, not to nit-pick, but I thought that the current idea was that Lunars had their own otherworld, and that their magic was not "mixed" (i.e., it all comes from the same otherworld).

The underworld is described as mixed magic, but all of the underworld deities that I can think of (Uz and Deshkorgos) offer only a single type of magic (except maybe Zorak Zoran?). Eastern religions (e.g., Teshnos) are described as mixed, but none of them are described to the point where a secret is identified. Odayla offers charms, but does so through misapplied worship. Stormbull offers spirits and feats, but he is described as being outside the normal rules.

So my question is really whether a "god" who teaches mixed magic gives his worshippers a sufficient connection to an otherworld to allow for a secret? (Frankly, I like secrets, so I think it should, but I was surprised to realize that misapplied worship couldn't give access to a secret, so I thought I'd ask).


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