Re: Magi's Magic

From: parental_unit_2 <parental_unit_2_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 23:25:56 -0000

For what it's worth: In the e-mail game I am running, I am using the _HeroQuest_ Wizardry school rules to represent sorcerers. There are some notes in the _HeroQuest_ instruction book to the effect that sorcerers are wizards without the benefits and constraints of a church. For rules purposes, I treat them that way.

So, for example, I allow them to use _The Abiding Book_ (or some equivalent) as a grimoire, and give them their own grimoires peculiar to their schools.

I haven't done anything specific with Carmanian magi, I admit, but the approach has worked well with the other parts of Glorantha I've dealt with so far.


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