Magic in the East : Mysticism, Dream Magic, Dragon Magic

From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:13:54 -0000

OK, another rule question,

did someone here use the Mysticism rules in HW? Was that satisfying ? I'm not really asking in whether or not they represent Glorantha, just the feel they had in play. Were Mystics powerful? What can a 1w2 Mystic do, compared to a chaman or a devotee?

Did someone develop something on Dream Magic, the one with Thella, the Keets and the Nightmare Lords? I may use more or less the Animism rules : you get into the Dreamworld, hunt some dream and get it into the Waking World.
[and for interaction purposes, I guess many other magic have a -20 malus for fighting a dream entity, as they are neither spirits nor gods nor essences. But then, I guess the dream also woud get a -20 in the Waking World]

Did someone used dragon magic, be it the Kralorelan adoration or the Immanent Mastery way? What kind of rules did you use?


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