Re: Getting injured (etc) multiple times - cumulative wounds

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 18:48:37 +0000

> Brand Robinson has done some work with this sort of thing as
> has...Ashley?
> Or Trotsky? Can't recall. You "crunchy combat" guys, identify yourselves!

Divn't look at me, mate :) Actually, I'd say that my players prefer more crunchy combat than I do, which can be a hindrance. So few heroes have been injured in my own campaign that I'm not really sure how I'd handle the specific situations Sarah describes. Although, absent any specific declaration of intent from the player, I usually do apply a generic penalty to all physical abilities when somebody is Hurt, or whatever. But, often, it doesn't really apply since them being out of the fight is the important thing, and so long as I narrate that in an interesting and plausible manner, exactly what penalties they may have accrued don't matter all that much - they normally get healed up before the next fight, anyway.

The other GM in our group tends to prefer serial contests - that is, if you lose a contest, you take the penalty as a generic modifier to physical skills, and then - ding! - round two, as it were. Penalties are therefore cumulative, because they pretty much have to be for those particular house rules to make any sense. The players generally prefer this to the method I use, which is pretty much the rulebook one.

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