Re: ILH2 Further Questions

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 20:17:32 -0000

I hae no idea (well, a suspicion, but what do I know?). But just in the interest of complicating things, I'll toss out a few parallel situations.

  1. Preceptor blesses the congregation while they're inside the glowline. Congregation then leaves the glowline while the blessing is active--and it's Dead Moon Day. Does the blessing immediately drop in power? Does it matter whether the *preceptor* goes along with the congregation, or stays inside the glowline? (Not such a far-fetched example, I'd think. I'd bet when a military troop needs to make crossborder raids, it would, whenever possible, get all nicely blessed and magicked-up back at the base before they went riding.)
  2. Similar situation: Congregation is blessed while they're outside the glowline. Then the Bat flies by, and they're now inside the glowspot. Does all their magic jump up in power?

I think the basic question here is: Is the blessing a one-off, instantaneous event, that has effects that last a week? (i.e. Preceptor grabs a bunch of lunar power *now*, uses it to impose Lunar Juju on the congregation. That LJ has a one-week effect.) In that case, I'd expect the only thing that matters is the magical environment at the moment of the blessing. *When the blessing happened*--when the magical event ocurred--the moon was full (or the preceptor was in the glowline), so that sets the magic level for the week.

Or, on the other hand, is the blessing a one-week connection established between the congregation and the Lunar source? i.e. the preceptor, using his skill, opens a channel through which blessings will flow for the coming week. Opening the channel was a one-off event, but the lunar connection is ongoing. In that case, we might well expect the effect of the blessing to be cyclical. Energy is flowing through th e channel all week--but it ebbs and flows with the moon.

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