RE: Problems with a player's 100 words

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 08:27:21 -0600

>From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
>I'm fairly sure the concept if not the detail has been
>mentioned to him (by me), but it could easily have
>been forgotten.

Truth be told, he's skirting the letter of the rule. The sentences he has aren't are, in fact, complete, if stilted, sentences. He's not obeying the spirit of the rule, I don't believe. But, again, that's where the subjective part comes in with this method. Are these sentences "just lists" (yes)? Now, apparently Adrian is letting him know that, and he's still returning this sort of narrative? Well, yeah, then there's a problem.

I'd really suggest migrating him over to the list method. I think he'll be more comfortable with the hard limits in question. The problem with a subjective method like the narrative method is that one can get the feeling that they're not taking advantage of the method to the extent they should. But then, on the other hand, pressure back means you feel that you're possibly doing things wrong. Sans a hard guildeline, it's not a comfortable place to be.

>I've done things that headed that way in a slightly
>more subtle manner, too. Squeezing as much as possible
>out of 100 words is an art-form :)

Well, or not in his case. And that's the problem.

>Personally if I start with a list, then convert to
>narrative, I can get more out of the narrative.

I think that's a good technique.

>He isn't a munchkin in the normal sense. In PBeM, you
>dominate a game by writing, and writing well: quality,
>imagination, quantity. This is a game with me and Mike
>as players, to give you some idea of the "competition"
>(not that either of us see it that way of course).

Yeah, my way of "competing" with his former character was to make lots of drama about the way his character pushed mine around. That said, it seemed to me that he understood that. But the way I see it, it's collaboration, not competition. And I felt (perhpas incorrectly) that he understands that, too. He didn't resent me playing off of his character that way, but instead got into it. That's how it appeared to me. But PBEM may be making things hard to see clearly, of course.


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