Re: Re: Character Generation

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 13:09:29 -0600

>From: Ashley Munday <aescleal_at_...>
>People can only assimilate a few quickly so
>they end up being played as if there were only a few
>on the character sheet.

I'd agree to this, and for con play, have taken to making short form pre-gens. In fact, one thing I do is to make the players create a couple of abilities for the character to tailor them. Players never forget the characteristics that they make up this way.

In long-term play, I find that players have more time to get to know their characters, and so long lists of abilities is not a problem.

>Players seem to guide their characters down fairly
>tightly defined paths of competence. Probably because
>it doesn't make a lot of sense not to with the rules
>as written.

Well, I understand that your players do what they do, and you're responding to it. But I don't think that the dozens of players I've played with long-term who didn't stack were being senseless about it. I think that spending on what you find interesting about your character seems quite sane and functional to me.


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