Re: Re: Tracking Multiple Actions within Extended Contests

From: samclau_at_...
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 10:52:30 -0300

Bryan makes some good points, among which:
> I've come to appreciate defeats for the most part in the games I'm
> playing (I do sometimes still have a hard time making the mental shift
> when I was planning something and it falls apart on me, but I'm
> working on it), but they have not been heroic/super-heroic games.

I'm quite similar to Bryan's parenthetical bit. Sometimes I *do* really want success, sometimes I don't mind, I'm just enjoying the situation. Sometimes, having a failure sprung upon me can be great (just had a minor one in Paul's game).

In my game, Bryan's PC just criticalled his attempt to Devote. I had some fun stuff lined up for a failure, which I suspect he would have liked, but I've shelved it. I hope I've thrown him a curve ball anyway, and I have something else lined up which is fun too. Still, I suspect he still wanted his character to succeed, though :)


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