Re: Common Magic Religions & Magic Keywords

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 23:27:05 -0700

>>During character generation, are common magic religions (Donandar,
>>Seven Mothers) counted as a common magic keyword (and thus only get 5
>>magics) or a specialized religion keyword? Or either?

Either, depending on narrator/player negotiation.

>>If it is a specialized religion, would the keyword provide all of the
>>talents/feats/etc. as per Heroquest (1st paragraph p. 111)

>>Also as per p.111, does a devotee created is character generation
>>start with all of the keywords feats?

yes, but...

You can opt (or the narrator may force you) to take *fewer* magical abilities if that fits your character concept better. If your hero has "just newly joined XYZ religion/cult/church/tradition", it's certainly reasonable for the hero to have fewer magical abilties, even to using the various rules for "Become an X" in the various magic chapters. (eg: only one affinity and "Initiate of [Deity]" for a "new Initiate" (page 117), One practice Spirit (including "Friendship with") and "Follower of [Majestic Spirit]" for a "new Practictioner" (page 136), etc., with none of the special abilities available to that cult/practice/church/whatever.)

And heck, if you have "Long-time veteran of XYZ religion/cult/church/tradition", the narrator might grant you additional magical abilities - it's all part of the negotiation phase.

(BTW, Devotees don't use the rules on 111 for Common Magic Religions, but the ones on 30 for "Specialized Religions and Magic").

Check the FAQ at: - third (and forth) question(s) in the "Heroes" section.

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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