Re: Two goals?

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:18:24 -0000

You mean a contest when one party requires 2nr outcomes. This is not even nesting contests in your example about Luke and Vader.

What I would suggest is that you are conflating different contests, and not seeing the demarcation when one contest ends and another starts.

I'd have to watch the movie to properly answer your question. One thing I would say the bit about being his father at the end in my game would not be a contest. Thats a roleplaying scene between GM and player. The bad guy NPC reveals he didn't kill your father but IS your father and you have been lied to and manipulated by Kenobi. What do you do now?? Player opts for suicide as a suitable end for his character. GM gives him another chance by having him end up on that aerial - do you really want to die? The player then uses the force to summon Leia. I It would be sad to decide such a personal, dramatic event with a die roll.


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