Re: Re: HQ2, cultural key-words, runes.....

From: Paul King <paul_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 07:14:48 +0100

On 22 Aug 2008, at 02:03, Bryan wrote:
> Please tell me that common magic still exists, and people still have
> odds and bobs of simple magic, beyond the big rune stuff. If we are
> switching yet again it would make me a bit dizzy.....
> So I hope that is 'common magic isn't explained in much detail in the
> appendix, but of course it can still exist under the normal ability
> rules' or some such........I hope!

There's nothing that rules it out. However, Common Magic as we knew it in HQ 1 is barely mentioned, the term "Common Magic" is now used for Runic Affinities (which everyone can have) and Talents don't seem to exist as a system of magic any more (they exist, but I think that a newcomer would tend to assume that they are rare abilities possessed only by a few, rather than being very common abilities in some cultures). And there is no mention of Common Magic religions at all.

The problem for Wenelia is that the Lords of Oak and Storm is a Common Magic religion which offers a mixed collection of feats, spirits, spells and talents without any obvious "unifying theme". That's fine under HQ 1 but I don't see an obvious way to convert it to HQ 2. (Not to say that it can't be done, but it will require some work and some house rules).

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